This is the activity of tonight, with 7 heads acting like 1/7 of a brain. Laughing like hell, while getting our hands dirty with chicken grease and chicken innards.Technically they're the ones cutting stuff up and I'm the one with a laptop downloading songs for tomorrow's jamuan sekretariat kebajikan.
Again, a saddening question yet with an inevitable answer arose a few times. Guys, I tried not to answer. But for now, this is the temporary answer.
Yes, I am sad with myself moving my sorry ass from UPM. If I am to compare the joy of being with you guys for 5 years or to have a once in a lifetime experience overseas. I'd choose you guys. But then maybe fate have better plans for all of us right? So since I'll be here for another 2 weeks or so, let's just enjoy the present, never regretting a bit of our mischief and notoriety.
I promise I'll upload all of the pictures of us, so kalau rindu rajin2 lah baca. I'll never forget you guys :')
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Kampung BBQ Fiesta
Yeah great, A week an a half in this place and I already got an artwork job -____-''. Thanks Aqif for getting me into this mess. I sacrificed my more-important-than-study-time(sleep) for finishing it within the given 24 hours deadline.
Emir : Take Care Out There
Yesterday I was walking in campus when Dikna
called, she sounded happy, too happy with the fact that she’s coping with her
cramps and pains.
Me : Assalamualaikum! Hey Dikna
Her : Waalaikumsalam, haiii!
Me : (surprised) Kenapa happy ni?
Her : Lepas ni, cakap kat mama,awak kena kemas barang,then hantar pegi INTEC.
Me : MARA dah keluar ke?(still in a state of shock)
Her :Yes
Me :............................
But then it just added to the headache that i already had with the clutter of assignments and first world problems. So I decided to just keep it low from my friends until I acceped the fact that I'm leaving all the memories here and proceed to another step of my life, shiz.
But today I think Allah blew peace and shone a flicker of light into my dusty and black heart. I think He sent this someone into my life to redirect myself into the righteous path. To Emir if you're reading this, sila terasa.
To quote Mama, "it's hard finding a military boy (RMC) that has high Islamic values and views this world from a religious perspective." So i guess the moral here is getting to know him and learning a thing or two.
And guess what, when he knew about me getting the loan, the words he said were among the most wisest words an adolescent at my age had said. Well due to respect, the conversation between us will be kept hush.
Well it sent my mind racing, to the dark pasts, and blissful memories. It's like being in a state of inner peace as i rode the bus back to college after saying goodbye to him and the study group. The bus ride was silent but trust me,only God knows how loud my brain was.
Insya-Allah, I'll take your advices and in return, prayers for your excellence in studies in life.
Me : Assalamualaikum! Hey Dikna
Her : Waalaikumsalam, haiii!
Me : (surprised) Kenapa happy ni?
Her : Lepas ni, cakap kat mama,awak kena kemas barang,then hantar pegi INTEC.
Me : MARA dah keluar ke?(still in a state of shock)
Her :Yes
Me :............................
But then it just added to the headache that i already had with the clutter of assignments and first world problems. So I decided to just keep it low from my friends until I acceped the fact that I'm leaving all the memories here and proceed to another step of my life, shiz.
But today I think Allah blew peace and shone a flicker of light into my dusty and black heart. I think He sent this someone into my life to redirect myself into the righteous path. To Emir if you're reading this, sila terasa.
To quote Mama, "it's hard finding a military boy (RMC) that has high Islamic values and views this world from a religious perspective." So i guess the moral here is getting to know him and learning a thing or two.
And guess what, when he knew about me getting the loan, the words he said were among the most wisest words an adolescent at my age had said. Well due to respect, the conversation between us will be kept hush.
Well it sent my mind racing, to the dark pasts, and blissful memories. It's like being in a state of inner peace as i rode the bus back to college after saying goodbye to him and the study group. The bus ride was silent but trust me,only God knows how loud my brain was.
Insya-Allah, I'll take your advices and in return, prayers for your excellence in studies in life.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
What Fate Held In Store
Inevitably, someday I would have to leave the uniforms and
textbooks and take another leap to a whole new world, college life.
Metaphorically ,I’m the fish who just
moved to larger pond.
This fish
is just another carp, a fat carp still
with no patterns and shining scales. But he ended up in another pond full of
other elegant fishes and aquatic wonders. Yes,a nobody.
keep it aside, it isn’t THAT melancholic! LOL
He met
other fishes,others who already had
their own patterns and body arts. They went along well! And here is a piece of
their fun together.
“Kak ni
Syuk nak perform!kak!” those were his words when his mean plan backfired and he
ended up being called to perform a dance on stage. But he then decided to take
us up with him, so we actually got a bit famous there though it is actually a
‘paksarela’ thing. Among his other taglines is this one to Cumi, “Pundek punya
veterinarian” for Cumi jumping in surprise
when a frog leapt between his legs. His name is Amirul Nazhan but we
call him Jol, yeah, can’t really see the connection there. -_-‘
He reminds me of Jehan |
He reminds me of Nizam |
He's hotter than Aiman! jkjk |
Below are 2 other misfits, as i could recall they were from SBPI Rawang, the same with Mad(Highschool friend). Not much can be said but theyre the ones who always make me laugh every 10 minutes.
Akif is always feeling hot(he can't stand the heat) |
In memory, he moved to IKIP for preparatory studies before doing Dentistry in Jordan |
Okay enough said before tears start flowing, and Gantung is already peeking at this post (awkward). Well i think better put a fullstop to this post and get ready to go to Mines. Me wanna watch MIB 3 with mah friends.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
UPM Plunder
mornings are never my thing, but since the day is quite an important marker to
add into my life, it’s an exception. But the start of it wasn’t that pleasing
because it started with “oh shit, tak isi borang lagi”. Last minute work is
never a favourite of mine but since the application was verified yesterday and
registration is today, you really need to get things settled as fast as
I don’t think I’ll babble about the
registering part,it is a bore,and besides tha fact I went through half of the
ordeal with my kidneys on the verge of exploding. But then as I applied my
skills, some queues were cut (patience was never my strength).
As I was told, 669 of the country’s
smartasses and badasses were chosen to be in my batch for the year. But then
the odds were against me, none of the guys were from MJSC Kuantan, the only
Sovereignians that I noticed were girls, and to add to the loneliness, I don’t
even know them that well.
Mum and Dad who were kind to put
aside their work and send me to college, and as I found out, my room is 3
storeys above.
![]() |
meet my college :) its not cmparable to home but itll do |
For the third time in my life, I was
alone again with my clothes, undies and a bed.
Before shit just got worst, one by
one my roommates came in. We got to know each other, and seriously I couldn’t
shake the feeling about this one roommate of mine(his name is Mustaqim) who
REALLY reminds me of my Kajang Highschool bestie, Nizam. Right to the way he
talks and to the position he held in his school.
I found out later how small this
planet is. Because Abeng(PLKN buddy) suddenly showed up as a student in my
batch. And I met 2 students from SBPI Rawang who knew Mad(Muhammad Lim from
KajangHighschool). And both of them are nutheads, ALWAYS making my sides ache
with laughter.(and they ended as among my first and best buddies there besides Mus and Jol)
Oh yes my issue with “soft” guys
came back, I subtly mocked his ‘nyah’ style (OMG I feel so berdosa), and I
found out he is quite an important person (let’s just pray he won’t murder me). (if Ebieyt or Zulkarnain is reading this,I'm terribly sorry....)
Bla ba bla,yadiyediayada,and finally
I found myself in Dewan Putra 2, laughing our asses off by our seemingly
endless supply of jokes and puns. We even got famous when Jol got all of us on
stage to do the ketupat dance, he decided if he were to go down, he’ll drag us
with him.
Bottom line, its gonna be a hell of
a foundation.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Hills Of Memory
Guess a simple honest assalamualaikum would suffice...
So here i am again, seated on a stool in the kitchen, mentally sweeping the dust from this blog and literally stuffing my famished self with some of last nights spaghetti while recalling the events earlier today.
Today's driving class was really annoying with the fact I drove for 2 hours with a bad tummy ache, it was a mistake drinking Nescafe when you have lactose intolerance in the morning. Plus, changing temperatures added to my misery with the sneezing and coughing.
After finishing that, i took the bus straight to IOI Mall, got a plaid shirt for RM19 (NrlHsna, mohon jealous). To get the edge off from my gastric, i got an unusually enormous sausage on a stick plus a green apple bubble tea, might as well be my brunch for today.
And since it was a Wednesday, I watched Dark Shadows at the GSC upstairs. Simply said the movie got a 7 out of 10 rating with its mixed fusion of new-age love and old fashioned romance with an undead twist (LOL).
Has anyone ever let their subconscious do their daily activities? Because that happened during the journey, when reality finally caught me, I was already on the bus, I mean I just lost track of 3 minutes of my life.Thank God the bus passed in front of my housing area, but it just took a different route, which was the cause this post was written.
It took the downtown route (so to say) which was the part of town that was the background of the life episodes of me during my childhood. The bus passed my kindergarten, which I attended for a year and a half after my family moved back to Malaysia (had very little memories left when we were abroad). One of the funny incidences at the kindergarten was when i fell from the stairs of the slide, I felt very strong and proud because i didn't cry eventhough it hurt real bad.
The bus then went up a hill which I saw a road that led straight to my primary school, I even saw a glimpse of the school through the trees beyond the road and houses. Back then i was so fat, mummy always said i was like a pau, only that she said i was the overcooked brown cuz i was brown. The six years there went by like a breeze, with only a few acquaintances that i still keep in touch with up until today. And I also saw a junction which if followed, can end me up at Zulaikha's house, which I went there for her birthday party with some friends during Form 3, It's a wonder that her parents still remember me, because i only usually see her grandfather at the mosque, he always smiled a very cheerful smile that showed his dentures, and always poking my ribs occasionally. Well guess 11 years really eats your youth away.
Perpendicular of the street was also a street that went past my primary school. It was when i was standard one when me and my friend walked along this road to go home, well we kind of played truant because it was Sports Day, and we were very tired of waiting school to end, so we decided to walk home. The next thing we knew, we ended up in front of our housing area, and I am still unable to decide whether we were unfortunate or not because suddenly a police vehicle pulled over beside us. I started to trembling, but then as it turned out, the stern looking policeman smiled and offered us a ride home, he even let us hold his submachinegun and shotgun. I still remember Mum's face when she saw me hopping off from a police vehicle, she was taking her sabbaticals and stayed home. LOL it was epic to see her frantically open the door and asking me tons of questions.
And finally the bus stopped, blowing away the cloud of imagination and nostalgia i had just now. I got off the the bus, got myself a Cornetto, and walked home.
It is a wonder when we delve back down along memory lane, it has collections of our lives that brings a multitude of emotions.
OKAY enough of the past, it is the present that needs to be attended to. And since my registration into UPM is on this Thursday which happens to be tomorrow, better continue packing.
So here i am again, seated on a stool in the kitchen, mentally sweeping the dust from this blog and literally stuffing my famished self with some of last nights spaghetti while recalling the events earlier today.
Today's driving class was really annoying with the fact I drove for 2 hours with a bad tummy ache, it was a mistake drinking Nescafe when you have lactose intolerance in the morning. Plus, changing temperatures added to my misery with the sneezing and coughing.
After finishing that, i took the bus straight to IOI Mall, got a plaid shirt for RM19 (NrlHsna, mohon jealous). To get the edge off from my gastric, i got an unusually enormous sausage on a stick plus a green apple bubble tea, might as well be my brunch for today.
And since it was a Wednesday, I watched Dark Shadows at the GSC upstairs. Simply said the movie got a 7 out of 10 rating with its mixed fusion of new-age love and old fashioned romance with an undead twist (LOL).
Has anyone ever let their subconscious do their daily activities? Because that happened during the journey, when reality finally caught me, I was already on the bus, I mean I just lost track of 3 minutes of my life.Thank God the bus passed in front of my housing area, but it just took a different route, which was the cause this post was written.
It took the downtown route (so to say) which was the part of town that was the background of the life episodes of me during my childhood. The bus passed my kindergarten, which I attended for a year and a half after my family moved back to Malaysia (had very little memories left when we were abroad). One of the funny incidences at the kindergarten was when i fell from the stairs of the slide, I felt very strong and proud because i didn't cry eventhough it hurt real bad.
The bus then went up a hill which I saw a road that led straight to my primary school, I even saw a glimpse of the school through the trees beyond the road and houses. Back then i was so fat, mummy always said i was like a pau, only that she said i was the overcooked brown cuz i was brown. The six years there went by like a breeze, with only a few acquaintances that i still keep in touch with up until today. And I also saw a junction which if followed, can end me up at Zulaikha's house, which I went there for her birthday party with some friends during Form 3, It's a wonder that her parents still remember me, because i only usually see her grandfather at the mosque, he always smiled a very cheerful smile that showed his dentures, and always poking my ribs occasionally. Well guess 11 years really eats your youth away.
Perpendicular of the street was also a street that went past my primary school. It was when i was standard one when me and my friend walked along this road to go home, well we kind of played truant because it was Sports Day, and we were very tired of waiting school to end, so we decided to walk home. The next thing we knew, we ended up in front of our housing area, and I am still unable to decide whether we were unfortunate or not because suddenly a police vehicle pulled over beside us. I started to trembling, but then as it turned out, the stern looking policeman smiled and offered us a ride home, he even let us hold his submachinegun and shotgun. I still remember Mum's face when she saw me hopping off from a police vehicle, she was taking her sabbaticals and stayed home. LOL it was epic to see her frantically open the door and asking me tons of questions.
And finally the bus stopped, blowing away the cloud of imagination and nostalgia i had just now. I got off the the bus, got myself a Cornetto, and walked home.
It is a wonder when we delve back down along memory lane, it has collections of our lives that brings a multitude of emotions.
OKAY enough of the past, it is the present that needs to be attended to. And since my registration into UPM is on this Thursday which happens to be tomorrow, better continue packing.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Walkman Top 10
This is the list of the top 10 songs that I'm currently in love with in my Walkman.
The Fighter - Gym Class Heroes ft Ryan Tedder
I found this song while randomly watching music videos. And to tell you the truth, I instantly fell in love with the lyrics. But its quite a bummer because exactly a month after i listened to this song(dah boring dgar), it started to go on air in radios. effff
Derezzed(Glitch Mob Remix) - Daft Punk
Adik introduced me to this song, it has been my favorite jogging song ever since
It Will Rain(Live in the Xfactor) - Bruno Mars
Okay I admit I'm a B.Mars fan, but of all the versions of It Will Rain, This is the most epic version though he skipped the 2nd verse
Someone Like You - Adele Live At Royal Albert Hall
What makes this version of this song so special is that you can feel the emotional aura when she sings the chorus and the feeling is intensified when she lets the audience sings the chorus. It gave me goosebumps, and i almost cried.. T.T
I Miss You - Blink 182 cover by Boyce Avenue
This cover gives the lyrics a much more sunnier disposition as he sings in a semi-joyful tune, and the smooth bass voice of Alejandro(the singer) really gives a sexy vibe to this song.
For the First Time - The Script cover by Boyce Avenue
This is the first Boyce avenue song that made me fell in love with their covers, I mean, this songs lyrics is already sad, and his voice added to the melancholy and the way he changed the tune from the melancholic verse to the slightly happy toned chorus was awesome!
Fireworks - Katy Perry cover by Boyce Avenue
The intro guitar plucking is damn cool and flowing with emotion. I and he manipulates his low voice so well to cope with Katy Perry's high pitched voice by altering the chords and tunings. It's pure creativity!
The One That Got Away - Katy Perry cover by Tiffany Alvord ft Chester See
Just like my tweet to Oya, both of their voices are in a cool chemistry! Because Tiffany has a kinda loud smooth voice and at a point, will seem dull, so here Chester See comes in and uses his soft gruffy voice to provide a sense of diversity to this song, and with the chorus a bit altered, it is the best duet song I've heard.
One Day - LMFAO
Okay this party song ACCIDENTALLY got in this list because of its cool but straightforward lyrics and bombastic bass.
Till I Collapse - Eminem ft Nate Dogg
And the all time favorite since I was in Form 2, is this song. When I hear this, it gives me the chill and motivation to push forward in live. Thanks Eminem for the awesome raps that got me mesmerized throughout the years!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Bookworm Heaven
Perhaps one thing that Malaysians love is cheap stuff. I mean we can't seem to resist when something is sold at a fairly low price or is on a discount. We'll come crowding like flies on a dead carcass. And it is at these times that the real human nature comes out. Which surprises even myself. If you know what i mean Dikna :).
"macam baby dapat candy"
But in contrast, one thing that Malaysians hate is books, well if you love reading, then congratulations, you should be proud.
Although i agree to my statement above, I do enjoy reading anyway. So yeah, if you mix both 'books' and 'cheap'. Well the resulting compund that is formed is of course,
BookXcess is actually a vast and humble bookstore located at the top floor of Amcorp Mall, Petaling Jaya. If you just can't make an idea of where it is, try Google Map-ping it or click here. To get there from KL Central, just board the LRT to Taman Jaya. An voila! Amcorp Mall is just across the street!
Well actually this wasn't planned earlier........
We(Me, Nuna, Zariff and Azreen) spent our afternoon watching The Avengers in 3D!LOL that epic movie is going to be a topic in the next post!
About BookXcess, Dikna(Nuna) once told me about this bookstore not long ago. And i was curious about going there actually and fortunately, she finally brought us there after the movie at Mid Valley!
Zariff experienced his first public bus ride! We briefly got lost in Amcorp Mall while searching for the bookstore. Seriously Amcorp Mall has EVERYTHING an artist or a college student needs!
Finally we found BookXcess just across an ancient looking McDonalds(thanks abang Cina!). Dikna was kind of lazy to bertanya, maybe malu or ego..... people should be aware of this famous phrase!
Malu bertanya sesat jalan!
And as i entered BookXcess, I thought, "macam bookstore biasa je?". But as i looked around.....
I mean every following words..
The books are stupendously, hilariously, truly, honestly, DAMN CHEAP!
I mean, almost ALL of the books have prices that are below RM30! and there is even a rack that sells thick fat books for prices below RM10! Talk about cheap! An 8 in 1 Blogging for Dummies book that costs RM118 just cost RM39! Novels that costed rm59-79-109 costed less than RM30!
Okay I could've sworned i almost jumped out of excitement as I examined the price tags, they were VERY cheap! And so thats why Dikna said my excitement resembled a kid getting a candy! Well guess she didnt know how i was like inside! U WANNA KNOW!?I WAS LIKE..
Okay I spent there a while looking for books, I mean I only brought RM80.I LOVE YOU MAMA for always supplying me cash for books :') ! But still, never bite more than you can chew! So after lots of reasoning, I got these books.
Hippos Eat Dwarfs - RM17.90(originally RM54.90)
Excuse Me, But It Was My Turn - RM19.90(originally RM82.90)
How To Love - RM 17.90(originally RM93.90)
In the end, I got 3 books for the price of RM55.70!
At the cashier I actually asked how did the books get VERY cheap. And the cute akak told me that the books they sold are actually extra stocks from overprinting. Which are basically brand new books that happen to be extra stocks.
So basically BookXcess is the F.O.S or Reject Shop for books, they sell brand new books that are extra stocks! So that explains the generous prices and whopping price cuts!
After the fun time shopping in BookXcess, we made way to have our lunch at A&W! YUMMY!
meet the lovebirds :) (lol just kidding, they're just friends)
So yeah, a special gratitude to Nrl Hsna for bringing me to this place. :)
Friday, May 4, 2012
Dim Shimmer
I guess nowadays many people agree its the downfall for moral values in this country. From corrupted leaders(not only talking about the Government) to child kidnapping.
Well if your thinking I'm gonna rant about 'THE PEOPLE SHOULD DO THIS" or "THE PEOPLE SHOULD DO THAT"! Well no. I'm just here to give my opinion on the genesis of this problem. I bet everyone is familiar with the cool friend of everyone that is known as
Well if your thinking I'm gonna rant about 'THE PEOPLE SHOULD DO THIS" or "THE PEOPLE SHOULD DO THAT"! Well no. I'm just here to give my opinion on the genesis of this problem. I bet everyone is familiar with the cool friend of everyone that is known as
Of course I don't believe in Karma, but i believe in a Muslim teaching that is quite similar to that. Okay put that aside. Let's talk about the youths today. Does this pictures give a description of what I'm trying to convey here?
![]() |
hahhh..i miss the zaman jahiliah days.. |
Well it is a known fact Rempits are a minority in our society that seem to wreak havoc in every way possible?how?
All of these WERE cool until the Rempits took over it :'(
Well enough about Rempits, it's hard to eradicate them anyway, they're already a norm in Malaysia. But yeah the main questionis how these things originated anyway? Well if you read the first paragraph of this post, THAT is the problem. You hear the government blabbling about the youths are a mess and 'gejala sosial dalam kalangan belia makin menular pada zaman globalisasi kini' or 'gejala sosial yang makin menjadi-jadi marcapada menjadi perbualan hangat pihak atasan" and all the berbunga bunga ayats.
And to students, can't you help but notice that THESE topics are the staple dish in our BM or English exams?
Why don't they put topics like "Sistem pilihanraya di Malaysia kini makin tidak amanah dan telus, perbincangkan" or "Pemimpin yang berwibawa dan bemaruah penting bagi menjamin produktiviti negara" or "Justin Bieber patut menjalani pembedahan menukar jantina" atau "Kpop punca pemakaian pakaian mengarut". Cant' people see how the people 'up there' keep hiding the shit they make and make other people look more worse than they are?
I mean they're busy trying to stop alcoholic influences among youth but in fact the ones who coined the idea are the ones who get drunk with booze and get laid with whores. Hipocrisy? DEFINITELY.
Well truth to be told, I cant't help but admit that i was and maybe still that deviated from the right path. But I'm not blind. What the youths are today is because of what our predecessors did. We drink booze bcause somewhere somewhat an old guy is drinking booze. We smoke because somwhere somehow the people above us are doing it. Were all cracked up on drugs because up there someones doing it. It is something that is inherited unconsciously.
But then I'm no FULL HATER, because I got my share of experiences with people like these. I mean they dress up like Rempits and speak in a language only fit to be talked to a dustbin. But people, don't be too harsh, who knows one day you'll be like them? And please don't judge a book by its cover.
My friends had told me multiple stories of these kind of people are not who they seem to be.
Okay my experience is this, I was jaywalking alone(one of my solo walks around KL which noone knows except for mum and dad). And I saw this guy with all his shebangs and shiz, I mean he wears all the bangles, contact lenses, a really cool mohawk, ultra skinny jeans with Paul Smith shirt and boots with his friends(oh so rempit). And I thought, wow he's all messed up with his friends, and as humans always do, having a small sense of feeling in ure heart that ure better than everyone.
Well yeah,thats me, being all cocky,(Imma human being, so no judging) But not long after that as i made my way to the musolla (right on time for Asar), I noticed a pair of shoes that looked familiar,(okay awkward) then i entered i saw a pair of skinny jeans folded at a corner of the musolla. And to my surprise, the rempit guy i saw earlier was there, with a 'kain pelikat' on, a 'kopiah', and all his bangles gone.
Okay that got me going all WTF!!! And he looked as if he was really deep in his prayers. I mean there was the aura and everything. And I felt really all ashamed and hina when i was beside him...i mean, i felt like a glow somewhat was reignited in the dark corners of my smelly heart. I mean, I finally saw hope in the middle of KL.
Well with this experience, I was also reminded by the same stuff i said earlier in this post, people are still praying and shedding tears for Allah just because somewhat somewhere, someone is crying their heart out to Him.
All in all, my justified opinion is this, don't just talk the talk, walk the talk and walk the walk. Don't be busy preaching and ranting about other peoples wrongdoings sukahati makbapak and behind it, doing the same shit, because u might not know what the victim of your bitchy mouth has things that you lack e.g bigger penises. okay im just joking. But you get my drift right?
A better future for humanity can be achieved by people working together to fix the root of the problems. not by one side working their asses out and another side looking as if theyre busy but in reality theyre also doing the same shit.
Inspired Fatty
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Airplanes Part ii - B.O.B ft Hayley ft Eminem
I was really surprised when I heard this song, because probably the best white rapper alive got to feat in this song!
And trust me, his rap lines never disappointed me
Alright let's pretend Marshall Mathers never picked up a pen
Let's pretend things would have been no different
Pretend he procrastinated had no motivation
Pretend he just made excuses that were so paper thin they could blow away with the wind
Marshall, you're never gonna make it makes no sense to play the game there ain't no way that you'll win
Pretend he just stayed outside all day and played with his friends
Pretend he even had a friend to say was his friend
And it wasn't time to move and schools weren't changing again
He wasn't socially awkward and just strange as a kid
He had a father and his mother wasn't crazy as shit
And he never dreamed he could rip stadiums and just lazy as shit
Fuck a talent show in a gymnasium, bitch, you won't amount to shit quit daydreaming kid
You need to get your cranium checked you thinking like an alien it just ain't realistic
Now pretend they ain't just make him angry with this shit and there was no one he could even aim when he's pissed it
And his alarm went off to wake him off but he didn't make it to the Rap Olympics
Slept through his plane and he missed it
He's gon' have a hard time explaining to Hailey and Lainie these food stamps and this WIC shit
Cause he never risked shit he hoped and he wished it but it didn't fall in his lap so he ain't even here
He pretends that
Let's pretend things would have been no different
Pretend he procrastinated had no motivation
Pretend he just made excuses that were so paper thin they could blow away with the wind
Marshall, you're never gonna make it makes no sense to play the game there ain't no way that you'll win
Pretend he just stayed outside all day and played with his friends
Pretend he even had a friend to say was his friend
And it wasn't time to move and schools weren't changing again
He wasn't socially awkward and just strange as a kid
He had a father and his mother wasn't crazy as shit
And he never dreamed he could rip stadiums and just lazy as shit
Fuck a talent show in a gymnasium, bitch, you won't amount to shit quit daydreaming kid
You need to get your cranium checked you thinking like an alien it just ain't realistic
Now pretend they ain't just make him angry with this shit and there was no one he could even aim when he's pissed it
And his alarm went off to wake him off but he didn't make it to the Rap Olympics
Slept through his plane and he missed it
He's gon' have a hard time explaining to Hailey and Lainie these food stamps and this WIC shit
Cause he never risked shit he hoped and he wished it but it didn't fall in his lap so he ain't even here
He pretends that
Love Nowadays
I am not a big fan of the Twilight saga nor I'm the fan of Robert Pattinson a.k.a 'shining faggot' as called him. But a song in its soundtrack which turned out to be a heart-hitter to me that made me wrote this post.
A Thousand Years by Christina Perry really got me swaying in my bus rides. I was aware I synced this song in my Walkman with my playlist in my PC. And I didn't regret it. J
To me this song is a love song (DUHHHHH!!!!) which talks about love (BOOOO!!!!). But it's the way it is conveyed in its lyrics that is unique. Because I believe it isn't just about puppy love or 'cinta monyet' as the Malaysian community calls it.
Surprisingly it is quite a norm nowadays for it being extensively practiced among youths in the 21st century where not having a 'kapel' is considered kolot, 'budak surau', nerdy, or the worst case scenario is being accused of being single because having fetishes or deep interests in people of the same gender, well simply said, being gay or lesbians. Don't be surprised but homosexuality is ALSO becoming common these days (what has the world become these days -___-' ).
OMG theyre in deep shit!lol |
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But then theyre in DEEPER shit |
Back to the story, the song is about some semi-premarital-puppy-deep-love (well you get the idea) and marriage, and that is just the theme of it. The deeper explanations are in the next paragraphs.
The chorus goes like this
I have died everyday
waiting for you
Darlin' don't be afraid
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
Basically the lines above are the part where they were still lovers where they're deeply in lovely for each other by the lines that she loved him for a thousand years. I mean, try compiling a thousand years of love and put it in the timeframe of say..likee..7 years? That is
A LOT of love.
I'll love you for a
Thousand more
And that is the part where she stresses that she'll continue to love him in the same level after marriage as she did when they were still lovers. But then there is also another side to it, cuz marriage lasts forever, and in the Islamic point of view, the husband will carry his beloved wife to heaven and she'll be the head of maidens her husband will have. (I'm not an ustaz but I've heard my share of hadiths which credit goes to Ustaz Zul and Big Cuz Zul and Islamic articles I stumbled nama diorg sama)
(Verse 1)Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can
I love when I'm afraid
To fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt
Suddenly goes away somehow
The 1st verse is from her point of view, well this song is depicting a western marriage so yeah, its from her POV while she's walking down the aisle towards her soon-to-be-hubby. Where she still have all her doubts (WOMENNN..sheesshhhh) but when she sees him standing tall and handsome, she feels as if they're alone in their world because she knows he's the one.
Time stands still
beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything
Take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath,
Every hour has come to this
One step closer
This is the 2nd verse which is from the guy's POV which is what is playing in his head as she approaches him from the aisle and as she stands is front of him. The line bring the meaning that he is stunned by her beauty and the warm butterflies-in-tummy-sensation got him stuck in time. And in his heart he promised to protect her, their relationship from anything that might jeopardize it. He took a breath of readiness as he thought again all his devotion to this relationship had gotten him this far and another step closer from making her his forever.And I think that is just it. Well looks like this song kinda breaks the tradition of Western culture songs that often rant about lots of booze, getting drunk, parties, sex, and all the bad shiz that has been a cancer to humanity. Thanks Hollywood for allowing a 'cleaner' song go through their filter. But then, I think there are also other messages in this song that I may haven't tapped yet. If anyone has their own ideas on this song, please do share. J
To make it clear, I do believe in a marriages that comes from a relationship that is fostered years before the marriage but still, occurrences of these kind of marriages are VERY slim and the extra percentages that do get past the 'salaman Tok Kadi' mosly stick for less than 5 years before everything goes crumbling. Thus leaving an extra of..sayyy..6 percent? Of the population that had a history like this and kept their relationship without REALLY BIG QUARRELS or playing wood three (LOOLLL it is having affairs).
Hey I did take my chances though everything is against it (so disheartening). Maybe thats why I chose to be in the state that I'm in now, comfortable and flexible.But still all hope is not lost kan? I mean there is still the top tagline of all time!
Kalau Ada Jodoh Tak Ke Mana
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