I was sweeping the front porch, being all rajin liddat, when i saw a kitten. Oh that furball! Brown and all fuzzy wuzzy. Okay thats geli. But yeah, I can't stand cuteness.
The Window |
Tha kitten was like, everywhere i sapu, there she was, playing, frolicking around. And she kept jumping on the windowsill, hitting the window. Nak penyekkan muka eh? So boleh jadi Kucing Parsi?
She was moving too fast |
Everytime i knelt down to snap, she would run towards the camera in enthusiasm. Suka sangat camwhore eh? Samalah macam aku, haaa! XD
At the back of the house |
See? even cats LIKE barangan Malaysia |
Curiosity took her to sniffing the broom |
Well maybe it's because the house is a clutter(The house just finished renovation) that made her interested in exploring.
I chased her around the house =.=' |
The blue collar is cute XD |
Preparing to jump |
So in the end, i got the whole house swept and the kitten followed me, tagging along and kept me company. And I snapped pics of her around the house, it's hard to find a good angle cuz she's a dang kitten! You guys should know that a kitten is hyperactive. One second she's on the windowsill, the next second she is in the drain, and the next second she is rubbing against my leg.
That got me thinking... Um Ayah!! Can I be a nature photographer? I can work with you? And and and you pay me? Camera? You got a Canon kan? Hihihi just joking.
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